Second Day of Class

September 5, 2008 at 3:28 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Thursday’s class cleared up a lot of questions I had. First and foremost, I learned about the blogging world. I realized I can write my feelings, emotions and thoughts on this blog and people can comment on what I write. I find that interesting and different. I also found out that I have the power to write and comment on other people’s blogs as well. Pretty cool! I think the reason why I was so confused on Tuesday was because I did not know anything about blogs and when I first created mine, I had no idea what to do. Now I understand more about blogging and I find it great!

Everyone had questions, thoughts, opinions which led to a great group discussion. Some people had different views which was great. In any class, I feel it is great to have people with different viewpoints. Otherwise, the class discussion would be pretty boring. I thought our class discussion was great and I learned something from everyone who spoke, even if I did not necessarily agree with them. I like how people were interacting with each other and responding to people. It made it interesting.

I enjoyed the last part of class when we split into small groups. Our group discussed how we felt about the class so far and how we think the class should be designed. We generated a great discussion that was very helpful. Our group thought it would be a great idea if there were four small groups that each had their own blog. If each group had one blog, than the members of the group could meet and discuss the reading and post one blog. Then each member of the group can individually comment on the other group’s blogs. We thought this would be a good idea because it would simplify things. We also felt this was a good idea because we can grade each other easier.  People in our group felt that people may not have time to comment on everyone’s blogs throughout the semester, so it would be more simple to comment on three other blogs.

Overall, I felt good after the second day of class. I am excited to see what is to come and learn more from everyone.

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